Monthly Archives: August 2013

HARP Program gets Good Grade from the FHFA

There is more good news for Massachusetts home owners who have yet to take advantage of the historically low interest rate environment. Today the Federal Housing Finance Agency, or FHFA for short, published an assessment of their Home Affordable Refinance Program known as HARP. The assessment results showed Read more…

Is the Refinance Boom Over?

Is the refinance boom over? The answer to this question would depend on your specific need. For the past several years the refinance boom has been fueled by a Federal Reserve buffet of bond buying programs and a historically low mortgage rate environment. But, as the US economy continues to gain traction, the Federal Reserve will begin to implement their exit strategy and taper off their tens of billions of dollars a month of asset purchases. With the 800 lb bond gorilla no longer in the room mortgage rates will Read more…

FHA Financing Still Popular

FHA insured mortgage programs have been assisting Massachusetts residents fulfill their dream of home ownership for decades. Since the FHA’s inception in 1934 with the National Housing Act, its’ goal has always been to improve housing standards and provide a viable system of mortgage financing. The last five years has been a period of growth and exposure management for FHA and with those challenges have come the dramatic increase to their Mortgage Insurance Premium costs. Despite this increase in borrowing costs, the FHA insured mortgage continues to be a great way Read more…