Monthly Archives: July 2013

Maximize your Home’s Appraisal Value with Curb Appeal

HVCC stands for the Home Valuation Code of Conduct. Along with the Appraisal Independence guidelines it has helped curve the outside influence of lenders, applicants, and real estate agents on appraisal values. Gone are the days of local mortgage brokers contacting appraisers and lobbying for Read more…

Why Appraisers Ignore Mortgage Brokers

You are finally ready to buy a new home or perhaps you are looking to refinance your current one to pay off some old credit card debt or go on that vacation to Nantucket you have been thinking about. You sat down with your loan officer and agreed on specific terms based on an estimated home value that maybe you found online or based off of your “tax assessed” value. Up to now you have been the ideal client Read more…

How Are Mortgage Rates Affecting Massachusetts Home Buyers

When you apply for mortgage financing in Massachusetts you should expect to spend some time gathering basic income related documentation to provide to your loan officer for review. Your mortgage professional is going to review this documentation to make certain that your debt to income ratio fits within certain predetermined underwriting parameters.  But what happens when mortgage rates spike before you have found the new home of your dreams? Read more…